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    Meet Grant Whitmore: a member of Ideoli’s amazing board of advisors

    Ideoli has been expanding aggressively into new markets since it was founded. To help guide our growth we created a board of advisors with a group of extremely knowledgeable individuals. One of our advisors is Grant Whitmore, a digital media specialist living in New York City.

    “Hi, I’m Grant Whitmore, I’m an EVP of Digital at New York Daily News. I live in New York and I’m a board of advisor at Ideoli. Grant has worked for some of the world’s largest media companies driving results in a competitive industry. I’m the Executive Vice President at New York Daily News, I’m responsible for everything that we do digitally for New York’s biggest newspaper. I’ve seen a young company get its, figure out their production model. Figuring out how to acquire customers has always been something that’s been super interesting to me, it’s great to see these guys get such a working start.”

    Grant is the epitome of professionalism and business acumen, helping Ideoli move in the right direction.

    “One of the things with young companies is really trying to figure out what are the best things to focus on and being on the board of advisors for Ideoli, I think we’ve got a great opportunity to help George and Chris and the rest of their team figure out where there are great opportunities, helping them to clear hurdles that they run into. Cos it’s a very complex organization, it’s multinational in nature. Ideoli has the ability to deliver really high quality product, much much more, as a result of how they manage their supply chains and I think that that’s going to be a huge differentiator for them. And also there’s the fact that these two guys bring such a great energy to this and bringing forth outstanding relationships throughout the entirety of their eco system is going to help them.”

    Grant has made an immediate impact on our team and we’re extremely excited to have him on board. I’m really really lucky to be a part of this, it’s an honor to be a part of Ideoli and I know that they are going to be tremendous. 

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