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    LED’S magazine honors 40 under 40 class + Chris Hartswick – CEO chat

    George: All right Chris you are a pretty low-key humble dude, can we agree on that to a certain extent? Chris: Sure. George: Yeah, aside from the posters of yourself on the ceiling, with the shirt off, and my ceiling, but anyways, that being said there’s something pretty awesome that happened in the last 30, 40 days that we haven’t really talked about and that is you winning 40 under 40 or being selected as 40 under 40 under LEDs magazine which is a huge feat, so a round of applause for you man. It’s great, tell me what are your thoughts, just being selected by one of the industry’s, our industry’s Bible when it comes to technology, right? Chris: It is exciting to be honest. Obviously LEDs magazine is a technical publication, they focus a lot on the engineering side, in new products and research and the future of lighting and all that kind of stuff so it’s a really cool publication to be associated with and even diving into, when you look at the class, a lot of those guys are people that I went to University with, I studied with, either came after me, before me as well, it’s a cool group, great publication, it’s exciting yes. George: Absolutely, and the class if you look at all the names, it’s great to be a part of that. 2020 when there’s a lot of s*** going on in this world, it’s good to be recognized and bring your back over here man,  we’re going to pat you on the back. Chris: Oh thank you, thank you! I appreciate that. George: Absolutely awesome man, Onwards! Chris: Cool – thank you. 


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