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    Mini chat: patent-pending technology is our game

    MINI CHAT: PATENT-PENDING TECHNOLOGY IS OUR GAME George: Patent pending technology. We’re not just producing lights, any time we take on a new product, a new project with a partner and they are asking us to develop something from scratch to installation and everything in between we’re always thinking on how can we make it more efficient, how can we make it better, how can we make it more cost-effective and then selfishly how can we protect ourselves with patents so we’ve actually filed several patents that are pending. One of them that we can talk about that is pretty known is our dual mounting with some of our fixtures and and the benefits so Chris, talk to us on why we did that and then how does that help our distribution and end-user clients when they’re ordering and stocking and so on. Chris: I mean to be honest, from a functionality Vazi-Tech is fairly simple, the whole purpose of it was to make it as easy for our distribution partners to order and stock extras and whatever it may be to reduce that load on the amount of CODEs that they have to deal with. So the whole point of it is you get a fixture, it comes as a pendant and you can go all the way down to a surface mount with the same fixture without having to open anything up, without having the change any of the mounting you know, technology if you will, and do it seamless in the field, the contractors can do it easily and it’s just simple. It’s the best way to describe it, it’s just a simple change that can be made in the field. George: When they’re ordering products from us and there is pallets showing up, historically without this technology you’re stocking two different CODEs, two different boxes going to the job site and now it’s just same box, same product CODE and you’re just going. It’s a smart and simple innovation. Chris: Absolutely. And even for certain job sites, especially when you’re dealing with large footprints and in general lighting, you may not always get everything 100% correct, you may accidentally have one or two fixtures that are off, where you thought it was a pendant but it should be a surface mount, because of the ceiling heights… Easily little things like that, that can come up so to not have to worry about that and to just, within a few seconds change it, what could be better? George: Absolutely! 

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