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    Monday dance moves with the founders: Gangnam style by PSY edition

    We know it can be a challenge to get your day going sometimes. We are all human and sometimes need a little motivation. In this edition of our MONDAY DANCE MOVES series, we are featuring a very famous dance move from a global hit!

    George (CEO & Co-Founder, Ideoli) – Chris, you ready to perform Gangnam Style by Psy?

    Chris (COO & Co-Founder, Ideoli) – G, you know it.
    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
    Oppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam style
    Oppa is Gangnam style
    Eh – Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam style
    Eh – Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh
    Nailed it, boys. Absolutely nailed it! 

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