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    Musical rockstar on our staff: creative overload

    The people that work for Ideoli are Rockstars – literally! Vito is a talented designer for Ideoli, but he is also a talented musician based in Argentina.

    “It’s kind of crazy because I never studied music. Once my father just bought me a guitar when I was 19 years old. And the way I learned was looking at pictures,” says Vito, Ideoli’s 3D Renderer.

    Self-taught, eh? Tell us more, Vito!

    “My passion started to grow up there and luckily, I met a lot of good musicians in the way I formed a band. We played with a lot of good known people here. I played on big avenues, I played for the radios. We made some records. Also, I had the honor to play with the most well-known musicians in Argentina,” says Vito.

    There you have it, not only talented at helping Ideoli builds its brand and offerings, but also in the musical field. Bravo, Vito. 

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