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    New restaurant construction under way in la Jolla, California

    Greetings from Luxurious La Jolla, California… Today we are on site at our client’s new restaurant to receive a shipment of a new lighting product we created for them. We flew in Ideoli’s engineering and installation crew from New York to oversee the installation during this construction process. I just flew in today to meet my team and the electricians on site at this new install for an upscale restaurant in La Jolla, San Diego. We love showing our viewers the construction zone before the grand opening, so you can see what we see as everything comes together. We have been working with the client to design and fabricate an inspiring decorative light fixture for this nationally-recognized restaurant brand that is expanding globally. Being a part of an upscale restaurant opening like this is exciting for us at Ideoli. Stay tuned for the next video where we show you the finished restaurant.  

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