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    Our global team was always virtually connected

    GEORGE – You see everywhere everyone’s posting these social gatherings online and these happy hours and zoom meetings and zoom this and zoom that have become the buzz word over the last couple of months. Which is great for companies adapting quickly and being able to navigate this as they’re going but to us it’s basically business as usual.

    GEORGE – Most of our employees are outside of the United States, so that daily face talk whether it’s Skype, Google Hangouts or Zoom that happens daily for us. So this has been an easy transition for us to keep communication going.

    CHRIS – We’ve gotten so accustomed long before the pandemic happened. So accustomed to having different types of Gchat, Google Hangouts, Zoom meetings, just within our department, one-on-one’s as an entire company in order to bring everybody together and keep that atmosphere. Keep that camaraderie going that it was, knock on wood, fairly easy you know? To slide into that during this time, which was nice.

    GEORGE – It also keeps us in check too, even personally. Where if you are engaged with someone visually, you’re not doing other stuff and not on your phone you’re not, you know it’s just it makes it that much more effective and efficient. And so, for us it has been seamless and even post-pandemic it’s business as usual, we have a global team on several continents and it just makes it so much easier for us.

    CHRIS – It’s really amazing what, very simple or very easily ready technologies are out there, how much more efficient that can make your business and your time. Especially when you are dealing with your team that’s literally spread all over the world. 


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