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    Our on-demand bar will increase your restaurant revenue

    Are you a designer of restaurant environments? Or an owner of a restaurant chain that has bars within it? If so, we have the most innovative product for you to help increase your per-customer revenue. Our custom On-Demand Bar allows the owner of a restaurant to easily convert the height of their bar as needed. Pretty cool, but how so? We have developed a durable mechanism that is installed into the framework of your bar, matching your design and aesthetics, allowing your staff the ability to quickly and easily raise or lower a portion of your bar when you require it. Locked into the original lower position, our On-Demand Bar is designed with the specific height and size requirements as needed for wheelchair accessibility. When the lower position of the bar is not needed, the bar can easily be raised to the higher position with the adjustment of a lever. The On-Demand Bar can hold specific weights depending on the size and model used and features quality piston technology to facilitate the seamless adjustments as needed. It’s that simple. Restaurants are installing our On-Demand Bar across the country and realizing increased revenues by doing so. Get in contact with us to discuss. 

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