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    Product update: our LED backlit mirrors make you prettier

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Perhaps. But what happens if the “beholder” is not even given a fair chance?

    You ever find yourself looking into a mirror in a retail changeroom… a hotel bathroom… or an office setting and think to yourself, “DAMN, I LOOK SO UGLY, I’M FUGLY!”

    While DNA may have something to do with that feeling, a major contributing factor is the actual mirror and the lighting in that space. You are not to blame for being ugly, the people who created that space are to blame, actually. Designers and owners of these spaces often overlook the importance and influence the mirrors in the changerooms and bathrooms have on their clients and visitors. How so you may ask? Well, to cut costs and keep budgets low, many designers and owners simply slap a mirror on the wall and a standard downlight above it, and call it a day. These are crappy conditions.

    What happens when your customer gets into the poorly lit changeroom to try on that special outfit? The lighting is horrible and casts unforgiving shadows on their body… or the mirror quality is so poor that they can barely see what they are looking at. The result? The customer runs out, feeling horrible about themselves, leaving the clothing behind. The solution? Ideoli’s customized LED backlit mirrors. Perfect for retail, restaurant, hotel, fitness and office applications.

    We have integrated highly-efficient LED lighting into the mirrors in hundreds of different variations, allowing the lighting to properly light the subject in front of the mirror. Depending on your space requirements and preference, we can customize the size… the lighting configuration… the light quality… and several other items. Allowing for clean, consistent and complimenting lighting for your customers. Clients who are using Ideoli’s LED backlit mirrors in their spaces are extremely satisfied in doing so and reaping the benefits as well. Ideoli is not only a kick-ass manufacturer, we also help people look prettier in front of our products. For more information on Ideoli, and our LED backlit mirrors, please get in contact with us. 

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