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    Quality control – Ideoli takes you through the process

    We make amazing products for our clients. To ensure this amazingness, we have a dedicated Quality Control team to oversee this – from design, to prototype, to production, to delivery. Our Senior Applications Engineer is on site at every major production run to oversee Ideoli’s production lines. He also coordinates the on-site review at the client’s installation sites. Tell us a bit more, Armando…

    “We start the QC process as soon as we finalize our drawings and we start ordering parts for production.”

    Armando has a team of dedicated professionals that help oversee the entire QC process.

    “We are always on site when the product is installed. We like to oversee the whole process from start to finish. We pride ourselves on how dedicated we are to quality.”

    “The best part about my position is seeing the product in the early stages and seeing it get finalized in the install location. It’s all about quality control and being there every step of the process for our clients.”

    We’re off to oversee the next installation!  

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