The difference — or lack thereof — between ETL and UL certification
Many people get confused about the difference between ETL and UL certification for electrical products like lighting fixtures, but from the customers’ point of view, there is no difference because both meet the necessary standards for safety compliance.
Commercial building codes require lighting to pass all national safety standards by UL. As a manufacturer, you are required to have your products tested to these standards. The two most common labels for this are Intertek and UL which results in the UL and ETL mark. It’s important to note both labs test to the same standards and are equally accepted. That’s because in order to ensure the safety of certain electrical products, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requires certification from a designated Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL), and both Intertek and UL are NRTLs.
Any product ETL or UL certified passes required safety standards. So really the only difference is on the manufacturer’s side in terms of which laboratory it wants to use. Ideoli chooses to work with both NRTLs, because they are interchangeable without one having superior standards. In some cases though, clients are more familiar with one certification over the other and request a specific one, and we listen as we strive to make the client happy. In most cases, however, after we explain that they both serve and meet the same purpose, clients are okay with either UL or ETL as the label of choice.
Clients can rest assured that Ideoli’s lighting products can be either ETL or UL certified, and they do not have to worry about obtaining both certifications since they meet the same required safety standards.
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