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    Things you can use instead of Ideoli’s LED lighting

    At Ideoli, while we prefer LED lighting, we like to keep an open mind. So instead of LED lighting, what are other alternate light sources? People relied on candlelight for centuries, so what’s wrong with using the same recipe for the years ahead? The big yellow star in the sky can be an excellent alternative light source. Be prepared to install more windows in your office. Another major lighting source: the moon! What’s better than having no shadows in your home, since the moon is the biggest reflective light in the world. In all seriousness, LED lighting rules! This is why at Ideoli we are determined to provide you with the sleekest and most cost-effective lighting solutions around. Stay connected with #ideoli online at ideoli.com and on all our social media platforms – Facebook (facebook.com/ideoligroup), Twitter (twitter.com/ideoli), Instagram (instagram.com/ideoligroup/), Vimeo (vimeo.com/ideoli), LinkedIn (linkedin.com/company/ideoli).

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