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    Top 3 benefits of adjustable desks

    Offices are in the midst of a design transformation, as the old model of stationary cubicles is being replaced by new formats including open-office layouts, shared workspaces and adjustable furniture. This new furniture includes adjustable desks, such as those that have the ability to change height, allowing workers to switch between sitting and standing, or to add additional functionality.

    Adjustable desks, like the one pictured above and like the ones Ideoli manufactures for some of the largest brands in the word, provide needed flexibility in modern offices.

    By adding this flexibility, offices gain three main benefits.

    1. Improved Employee Well-Being

    Adjustable desks empower employees with the ability to have a work environment best-suited for their needs. While there has been a trend toward adding standing desks and some potential health benefits from doing so, not everyone wants to stand all day. Thus, adjustable desks give workers more autonomy over how they would like to work, while also supporting their physical health. Considering that over half of millennials say that well-being in a job is very important to them, according to Gallup, companies should aim to provide a supportive work environment.

    2. More Productivity

    Improved employee well-being provides workers with a better experience, which can affect many areas that are important to businesses, such as how those employees interact with customers, as well as employee retention. Additionally, it can boost productivity, especially considering the direct health benefits of adjustable desks.

    Studies indicate that standing can help workers better focus their attention, so having that option enables workers to increase their productivity. Also, by being more comfortable at their desk, employees can concentrate on what theyhave to do for work rather than focusing on their discomfort. If workers only have the option to use a fixed standing desk and grow tired of standing, it’s unlikely that they’ll do their best work once that fatigue sets in. But by having adjustable desks, they can configure their work environments to better suit their individual needs.

    3. Operational Flexibility

    Aside from the benefits that adjustable desks provided directly to employees, this furniture also helps organizations as a whole better configure their operations. Rather than being locked into certain office configurations, adjustable desks provide more flexibility. If a company wants to change who sits where, or how desks are used such as for displaying merchandise, then having adjustable desks means they don’t need to buy new furniture every time they want to make a change.

    Ideoli’s expertise includes helping clients design and procure custom, adjustable desks so that businesses can get the most out of their furniture. Ideoli has furnished office spaces for some of the largest tech companies in the world, which have demanding requirements in order to create the best environment for their employees. 

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