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    What is POE and why you need to know

    You have surely have heard the term “IoT” over the last few years.
    Well, what is this and what does it really mean?

    IoT stands for Internet of Things. It is about providing internet connection to a whole range of other things, processes, and environments.

    But how does this apply to lighting in our spaces?

    IoT Smart Buildings are ecosystems with many devices that “talk to” and depend on one another, sharing data and responding to various needs.

    IoT technology allows LED lights equipped with motion and environmental sensors to detect natural light, room occupancy and adapt their output accordingly.

    These sensors generate vast amounts of data that can feed artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can be used to make predictions.

    Using IoT and AI, these systems can manage individual lights or groups of lights based on things like occupancy, external light levels, and times of day

    IoT enabled lighting systems can also control dimming and color-changing.

    IoT LED lighting can bring maximum savings and provide valuable operational insights that can improve all aspects of building management.

    This is our future. 


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