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    When a United States marine corps sergeant invigorates our marketing team

    “I was recently promoted to sergeant. It’s really exciting because that was a goal of mine when I first enlisted in the Marine Corps,” says Bruno Maldonado, Ideoli Marketing Intern.

    Meet Bruno, a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corp Reserves and also an intern in our Marketing Department.

    Let’s learn a little more… “I’m a marketing intern at Ideoli and I’ve been working here for the past six months,” says Bruno Maldonado, Ideoli Marketing Intern.

    You’ve been busy.

    “I was recently promoted to sergeant. It’s really exciting because that was a goal of mine when I first enlisted in the Marine Corps,” says Bruno.

    Very cool. Tell us a little more?

    “I enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserves in 2013 and it’s something I always want to do to continue on the legacy of my family. Both my grandfather and uncle served in the Peruvian military,” says Bruno.

    There you have it, not only talented at helping Ideoli builds its brand, but also serving our country. Well done, Bruno.